Archive 20121028

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[Panel 1]
[Elizabeth] I don't know what
that bloke of hers is up
to, but I don't like it.

Yes, but what can
we do about it?

Can't just warn her...

...she's in LERVE, after all.

[Panel 2]
And if you give people advice about
their love lives, either you're
wrong and they never forgive you...

...or you're right and
they never forgive you.

I'm keeping an eye on the
squeeze, anyway. When I can.

[Panel 3]
Could you bring Nils into it?

I think he's watching out
on his own account anyway.

And he's not exactly the...
subtlest... of people.

He's not Jaakko.



[Panel 4]
Gah! Look at us, plotting
like a bunch of Aunts.

I suppose we'll just have to
keep sitting around and being
ready with emergency sympathy.

Makes a change from stopping
Jaakko from plugging a USB
stick into Jaz's goldfish.

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