Archive 20130616

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[Panel 1]
Did you know the
company had a

No. What does it do?
Sock away money for
the winter?

Apparently it's putting
two beehives on the roof.

Do bees fly that high?

[Panel 2]
They have been found on Mount
Everest, so a mere forty-five
floors should not worry them.

Having to haul all that nectar up from
ground level will be hard work, though. Are
they installing a bee-lift or something?

It just says they'll be
"professionally managed".

[Panel 3]
No honey for us then. Unless we
sneak in just before the harvest.

Round here it'll
probably be rhododendron
and soot flavour anyway.

Fiona won't be happy. She's
seriously allergic to bees.

[Panel 4]
Surely that's only a problem if the
bees get inside? We couldn't open
the windows here even if we were
allowed near them.

I only mention it because otherwise
I would be running a book on when
Jaakko would plumb a hive into the
executive air conditioning...

I ?

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