Archive 20130512

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[Panel 1]
I see that that damn measles
thing is still going on.

It never ought to have
happened in the first place.
That filthy disease belongs
in the Dark Ages, not Swansea.

I didn't know you
cared about it, Steve.

[Panel 2]
I had to talk Bell out of gargling
at someone from behind the bar.


Medical mouthwash!

That may have been my fault.
I told her it ought to kill
99% of all media rumours.

[Panel 3]
I tell you what: it's
a good thing we don't
subscribe to That Newspaper.

It would be such a nuisance to
have to burn it every day.

I look on anti-vaxxers as I do on
our local Racist Loony candidate.

The sort of person you put up
with to have a freeish society?

[Panel 4]
A bit more likely to die out.

Just a pity they try to take
the rest of us with them...

Well, what else are they meant
to do? Accept that sometimes
bad stuff just happens? And you
can't blame someone else for it?

THAT's not the modern way!

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