[Panel 1]
Hullo Elizabeth! I thought you
had that book group tonight.
I did. They started all that
tired old stuff about Kipling
being "jingoistic", so I thought
I'd let them get on with it.
Oh, THAT. If they want someone
with views they find offensive,
how about Lovecraft?
[Panel 2]
He thought Jews were sub-human,
and he married one. That doesn't
seem quite right, somehow.
And he had ideas about race
that embarrassed his peers even
BEFORE the Nazis copied them.
I don't think they actually
COPIED them, as such...
[Panel 3]
True, even Lovecraft wouldn't
have put the Dalai Lama in charge
of the World Jewish Conspiracy.
Only because the Dalai Lama
wasn't squamous enough.
Well, that and he might
not have heard of him.
Anyway, if these people don't care
for an author, why do they bother
to turn up to talk about him?
[Panel 4]
Beats me. It's not as if they'd
even read the books, but they knew
all about what they didn't like.
So I could grind my teeth,
shout at them, or come here.
And dentistry is so
expensive these days...
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