[Panel 1]
Well, here we are, back at work
after the Christmas break.
Why do you feel the
need to remind me?
You? I was
reminding myself.
And where else would you be?
[Panel 2]
Riding across Europe.
Through the snow of course.
Don't talk dirty.
Anyway, you'll be glad to
know that my Christmas party
was over-catered as usual.
[Panel 3]
So I have pork and sausages
and things to dispose of.
Just as long
as there's no
cheese involved.
Nils! Are
you feeling
all right?
Had a bit of a run-in with the
Cheeses just before Christmas.
[Panel 4]
I'm fine, just
not really in
a cheesy mood.
Of course, you
realise this
means war.
I'll get Little Katje...
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