Archive 20150419

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[Panel 1]
Ginny, we need to
talk about that Dog.


I mean, I didn't mind you
bringing him with you when you
came to chat with Bell about
your latest mediaeval whatsit...

How generous of you.

[Panel 2]
But he ate three packs of frozen
sausages, four eight-sided dice,
and a number of plastic spaceships
that, not to put too fine a point
on it, we were USING.

I SAID I was sorry. And
that I'd replace them.

But can't you TRAIN
him or something?

[Panel 3]
He's always been good before.
I don't know what set him off.

I do.


The problem is that he thinks
Bell is a cat. But he knows he
must not bite people-shaped
things, so he gets confused.

[Panel 4]
One of my sister's house
pigs had the same problem.

So what did you do?

Well, my sister had to
stop wearing black.

I think it would be easier to
put a blindfold on the dog.

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