Archive 20180923

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[Panel 1]
Well. That was... wow.

Who knew learning about
lifting heavy objects
could be so... invigorating?

The subtlety...
the poetry...
I am in awe.

[Panel 2]
Just to check, would you
say that training could
basically be summed up as...?


"And if you must, bend your knees."

[Panel 3]
But, at long last, we have the bit
of paper that says we know that.

And now they will
want us to move
every heavy object
that they can think of.

Except your boss won't allow it.

[Panel 4]
Who? Oh, right, that's
technically you isn't it?

Such respect.

I come to your braais and
eat your sausages. What
more respect do you want?

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