[Panel 1]
Last load?
Yes. That's madoff,
ponzi, mccloundy
and slatkin.
Do you think the managers will
ever notice our naming policy?
[Panel 2]
Officially they're all numbered.
slatkin is server419.
Yes, but you can't call
servers that when you're
working with them.
They get all unhappy.
You should not anthropomorphise
computers. They do not like it.
[Panel 3]
It could be worse, it
could be cloud servers.
I know people who
do that. They call
them things like
No wonder the poor things
fall over all the time.
[Panel 4]
Though on the bright side pushing
them along corridors would be
somebody else's problem.
And somebody else's
double overtime.
And somebody else's old
server carcasses to pick
over for useful bits...
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