Archive 20190908

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[Panel 1]
Ready to go?

Sure. I'll just bring
down my crate of games.

Where are we
going, anyway?


Why would anyone hold
a boardgame meeting
in Maidenhead?

[Panel 2]
It is cheaper than High Wycombe.

Just the one crate?

That's twenty games,
and I'll probably play
some that other people
brought along too.

How many did you bring?

[Panel 3]



You won't have time to play
all of them, even if you
don't get any sleep. And
I hope you'll get some,
because I need you to
drive me home again.

But I will have the exact
right game for whatever
people feel like playing.

[Panel 4]
I do that just by keeping a
copy of Parade in my pocket.

Yes, but you're strange.

It's all a matter of perspective.

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