Archive 20201004

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[Panel 1]
What do you mean, takings are up?

The punters are fillin'
up while they still can.

Even with the early closing
and the table service.

[Panel 2]
Oh. Well, I'd better
do something then.

Lie back on your
giant pile of cash?

Ha. The owners get that.
Maybe a Plague Special Menu.

[Panel 3]
Pangolin inna Bun?

I was thinking of a
brave lone sausage
in a mask, I mean
tortilla, on a plate,
surrounded by
unmasked… peas?

Sounds dangerously Nouvelle to me.

[Panel 4]
Which reminds me, can we
get your mate Jaakko back?

It was dead handy having
him standing there giggling
with his chainsaw while
I was telling another
mask-denier to bog off.

I've been trying to get him to
STOP giggling at the customers…

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