[Panel 1]
I don't know why you eat that
stuff anyway. There's a
perfectly good cafe in the
building next door.
It's shut by now. They
only do lunchtime.
Anyhow, what you get from them is
seventeen different sorts of
cattle-food and one lonely snippet of
ham locked up in the middle of two
slices of brown bread with BITS in it.
[Panel 2]
When I have to work late I
just go over to Tesburys on
the other side of the main
road. It may not be all that
great but at least you can
see what you're getting. And
they're open till midnight.
They suffer a bit from
adjective disease though.
Cheese and onion's too
boring - it has to be
FOUR cheese and RED onion.
Or SEA salt and BALSAMIC
vinegar. Or...
[Panel 3]
So you buy a couple of
baps and some sliced ham.
Oh please. You mean two
Hand-Sculpted Real Yorkshire Baps
From Our In-Store Bakery, and
Home-Reared Oak-Smoked Ham
from Happy Pigs!
No I don't, I mean ordinary own-brand.
They call those lines "thrift" or something.
Went there once and got mugged on the
way back. I wouldn't mind, but they
took my cash and left the food behind.
[Panel 4]
Is THAT why the security bods call it
"Riskway"? I've never had any trouble.
Because you carry this aura
that says if anyone
lays a finger on you, you'll
bite it off at the elbow.
Me? Eat long pig? RAW? I'll have you know
I did a Cordon Bleu course last year!
So which bit of own-brand
bap and ham is Bleu,
and which is Cordon?
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