Archive 20060730

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[Panel 1]
It's funny, really, when
you think about it.

Here we are, we juggle millions
of pounds and euros a day and
never think about it twice,
but when it comes to personal
stuff, it's all barter.

I suppose.

I mean, Ginny could buy her own
mysterious tea, but she'd rather
get it from the secretaries.

[Panel 2]
I don't want to buy my own.

But his point is, you
could afford to... you'd just
rather barter for it.

It's more that if I bought a
whole box of fruit teabags and
it turned out I didn't like
the flavour, I'd be stuck with
nineteen I didn't want.

[Panel 3]
It's as if we don't even
want to think about money.

Remember when we had to spread
the load on the transaction server,
and the only way we could fix
it was by inventing a currency?

Cowrie shells. How could I forget.

I still say that was a
stroke of genius, Nils.

[Panel 4]
It was just.... Money is
a state of mind, really.

It's valuta, not actual.

it... Hey, that
gives me an idea
for a scenario!

Jaakko, I owe you.

I'll take it in hunks
of smoked animal.

You take this role-playing
stuff seriously, don't you?

Well, of course.

It's not like money.

It's REAL.

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