Archive 20070225

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[Panel 1]
[Mandi] she's like, You don't want to go
eating that, it gets all its calories
from fat, and I'm like, But I'm HUNGRY...

I used to be like
that. When I was at
school, that was.

Oh Caz, you never!

Straight up. Hungry all the
time. Nibble nibble nibble,
crisps, nuts, you name it.

They called me Hamster 'cos there was
always something bulging out my cheeks.

[Panel 2]
And the rest of me. Fat wasn't in it.

But you're not

I mean

No, I found out how
to deal with it.

The banana diet?


[Panel 3]
The hard boiled egg diet?


I give up...

The lumps-of-polystyrene diet.

eeeaow! That's like so GROSS!

It works, though.

[Panel 4]
You know, Mandi, you don't
actually have to eat polystyrene.

There's plenty of real food
that's not full of fat.

Get on. Everything in the
shops has got big signs
on it now. "Warning Evil
Fat, one bite of this and
you will blow up like a

Easy to avoid. Just stick with
golden syrup, treacle, Kendal
Mint Cake, coffee sugar...

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