Archive 20100829

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[Panel 1]
But what is
the appeal of
the things?

They make a loud noise
which drives people mad and
eventually deafens them.

Yes, so...?

Sorry, I forgot, you're not male.
Just trust me, OK?

[Panel 2]
After the World Cup there were lots
of them going spare, so I got my
relatives to scoop up a few dozen
and send them to me.

And I happened to pick up an old
diesel compressor on Freecycle.

And the rest is history.

[Panel 3]
Well, the rest is more noise
complaints than anything since the
last Jean Michel Jarre concert.

If they don't complain you
aren't doing it right.

That's a bit anti-social, isn't it?

[Panel 4]
It's Docklands. The only people
in range were the ones in those
nasty expensive high-rise flats.

Still, they did call an
awful LOT of police.

Good thing we wired up
that remote control, really.

I was NOT going to be standing
next to it when we set it off!

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