Archive 20100919

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[Panel 1]
You're looking a bit rough
today. Tough meetings in Paris?

Tough flight back.

Oh, no, not
more maggots!

No, no, nothing like that.

[Panel 2]
Well, a bit like that.

The flying mice wouldn't really
have been a problem on their own...

Flying mice? I thought
those were bats.

[Panel 3]
No, no wings in sight. I
think they probably got aboard
in the in-flight meals.

Poor things, they must
have been STARVING.

Anyway, most
of the other
weren't observant
enough to
notice them.

Until they nibbled into
somebody's bag of fireworks.

[Panel 4]
Fireworks... on a plane?

This guy was coming
in from America, and
his bag hadn't been
searched since.

Ah, he had been
frisked by the
glorious TSA. That
explains everything.

Apparently gunpowder works
like mouse amphetamines...

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