Archive 20101003

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[Panel 1]
There has been Another Bicycle
hitched down by the loading docks.

Someone else in this
company is cycling to work.

Oh, that'll be Ginny's.
She's been doing it since forever.

But she always takes the train!

[Panel 2]
To Liverpool Street, yes.
Then I ride here.

Should I be sweating
through the Underground?

When they even bother to run it.


[Panel 3]
You aren't anything like mad
enough to cycle in London.

Oh, come on, even I've been out
on your spare bikes sometimes.

[Jaakko] see my point?

It's just a tool, not a way of life.

[Panel 4]
You must come on the
200-kilometre Welsh
mountain run I'm
doing this weekend...

No I mustn't. Bicycles are
for fun, and that wouldn't be.

We could always sit on a wall just
before the finish and jeer.

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