# at the office
[Panel 1]
What are you doing for
the royal wedding?
I did not know
anything was
Oh! You'd better get your papers
in quick, then. Don't want to
get stuck with bunting duty.
Tilly-vally, young man.
[Panel 2]
I was going to be doing the
catering for someone ELSE's
wedding that weekend, but
they don't want to clash.
Which means I find myself at a
loose end, with a yen to cook.
I like the direction in
which this is going.
Made any interesting
sausages lately?
[Panel 3]
Yes, but they go on the
braai and into Nils as
fast as we can make them.
Be fair, you helped.
I may have had one or two.
There's only one
thing for it, then.
[Panel 4]
You'll just have to make some
on commission for MY barbecue.
But how will I stop
Jaakko eating them?
But how will I stop
Nils eating them?
If you fry them on the
spot, you won't get to
try my Special Marinade...
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