Archive 20110717

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[Panel 1]
Is everything all right here? All
the lights are off in the corridor.

And somebody's stolen the switches.

They've installed new better
lights to use less power.
Didn't you read the email?

Well, they'll certainly use less
power if you can't turn them on!

[Panel 2]
They are motion-
sensitive, apparently.

Funny, I could have sworn I
was moving as I walked along.

Obviously you are
too stealthy for
them to cope with.

Well, that's... pretty nifty.
I am the light-sensor ninja!

[Panel 3]
Not terribly useful, though.

Perhaps if you wave
your arms around a lot
they will notice you?

That's no use. What if
I'm carrying servers?

You should be using a trolley. And
I think your Lifting Heavy Objects
certificate has expired anyway.

[Panel 4]

Oh yes, they've been
installed in here too.

Um, I hate to
bring this up, but
does anyone have
any Frobozz Magic
Grue Repellent?

Wave! Wave for your lives!

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