Archive 20140608

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[Panel 1]
Bell! Bolt the doors
and lock up the beer!


What has?

Robot revolution, I
assume. Can't be sure.

[Panel 2]
But there's a crowd coming
this way and they look ugly.

Nils, we're in
Limehouse. They
ALWAYS look ugly.

Well, yes, but...

Steve, when does the
World Cup start?

[Panel 3]

That'll be it, then.

Last weekend drink
before the full-time
footie begins.

World Cup? Do they
still have those?

[Panel 4]
Yes, Nils. Some people even
care about the results.

Jislaaik! I'd
better get the
office betting
pool together.


It's professional sports, isn't
it? If I don't steal all the
money, someone else will.

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