Archive 20140817

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[Panel 1]
Come on though, what sort
of midsummer can you have
all that way north?

All the more
reason to make
the most of it?

Actually, it was even hotter
in Finland than it was here.

And of course you
aren't boasting...

[Panel 2]
No. Fortunately there are plenty
of trees to shelter under.

What, no moose to
chase you out?

The moose is too hot as well. He
has a heavy fur coat, after all.

[Panel 3]
Pity about the mosquitoes. It
is never too hot for THEM.

And they can get through
moose fur, so they won't
be put off by mere clothing.

You'd think they'd do
something about them.

Detergent spray or something.

[Panel 4]
That is not a Finnish
way of doing things.


We would declare Mosquito
Season in July, and have a strict
limit of three per hunter.

Six if you are farther
north then Oulu.

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