# at work
[Panel 1]
A little bit of rust, I
can get that from the
old breakroom fridge...
I just found this
in my inbox.
Oh yes?
It's a set of warnings about
the firemen's strike.
Oh, right. I got those too.
[Panel 2]
Some aluminium, I will
scrape the window frames...
"No welding without a risk
assessment." "Stay with the
thing you are microwaving."
They must think
we are completely
A child of three would
know better even if there
were firemen in every room!
Oh, I don't know.
[Panel 3]
And some of my magnesium
ribbon to get it started...
You WOULD burn us
all to death?
No, but there are times
when a little fire in a
wastebasket, just to get
outside for a bit...
First find a wastebasket!
[Panel 4]
[style octagon]
[bodycolour red2]
[textcolour yellow]
[style octagon]
[textcolour maroon3]
werble werble werble werble werble werble werble
# off
Um... before we flee for
our lives, could one of you
help me hide the evidence?
I thought the point
of thermite was that it
did that for itself!
Sometimes I think
it would be easier
just to take virtual
smoke breaks.
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