Archive 20150621

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[Panel 1]
Coming to the film club?


Yes, and so am I, but
they never check.

Sounds better than
"completely uninterested".

[Panel 2]
Hours four to six of some black
and white epic from Yugoslavia
in the Fifties, isn't it?

Well, that's what's
on the programme.

And that's why nobody
turns up any more.

[Panel 3]
And that's why nobody's going to
ask what I was doing in the
conference room with the really
good projector and sound system.

Something better?

Guns and Fast Cars VI.

[Panel 4]
Ah, the one with the jet-powered

No spoilers!

Am I in time for The Darkness of
the Soul of the People's Tractor?
I would hate to miss it.

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