Archive 20161211

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[Panel 1]

We have not organised the
office Christmas party! Again!

Do we have to?

Don't worry, I did it yesterday.

[Panel 2]

Threw the whole problem at Bell,
with a stack of company money.

I'm surprised she
had any bookings left.

It was a BIG stack of money.

[Panel 3]
So why did anyone let you loose
with that in the first place?

We won the
metrics this year.

Apparently we're five
times better than the rest
of the office combined.

[Panel 4]
We can't let them look bad or
they might get annoyed with us.

Oh, bother. I'd
better slack
off harder.

Just drink plenty of Bell's punch
and nobody will believe anything
good of us. Did I mention she'd
inherited Steve's recipe?

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