Archive 20200712

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[Panel 1]
Jaakko said he'd
come and visit in a

Hello! I have
a chainsaw.

o god

Not like the ones I grew
up with. Just this tiny
little electric thing.

[Panel 2]
So you can walk down the
street without people saying
"eek, he's got a chainsaw"?

Lekker! I WANT one.

I would be
if you did not.

[Panel 3]
What possible use do you have for a

- braaiwood
- cable ducts
- making the next trebuchet

- bicycle weight reduction
- garden mayhem
- more garden mayhem


[Panel 4]
Well, I suppose there is some
drainpipe for the pub that
needs to be cut to length…

A task! A task!

I want to play too!

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