Archive 20200809

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[Panel 1]
Oh, Jaakko, I meant to ask

I have never even
BEEN to Beirut!

Not that. Just wondering if
you'd heard from any of the
rest of the boardgamers.

[Panel 2]
Well, Nils and I have
been playing on-line.

And I still say
you can't make
a car DO that.

The rules say I can.

Anyway, no. I think they
do things on Facebook now.

[Panel 3]
If my friends want to throw their
privacy away, I'll get NEW friends!
With blackjack! And hookers!


I believe my colleague means
to imply that he will find other
boardgamers on the Internet.

[Panel 4]
Well, not just "the Internet".
The good bits, you know.

I'll take your
word for it.

There are places out there that
haven't even HEARD of Twitter,
Instagram, Tiktok, Tumblr…

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