Archive 20200315

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[Panel 1]
So apparently the latest panic
buying is toilet rolls.

Oh, come on. The
new plague doesn't
give you the runs.

I think they are thinking that
if they have to stay at home
they do not want to run out.

[Panel 2]
But what about other vital supplies?
What about… Heinz tomato soup?


I do not wish to know your
perversions, and you do
not wish to know mine.

[Panel 3]
Well, all right, what about vodka?

Maybe they are
not thinking
that far ahead.

It's a bit of
a pain, though.
I was going to
buy some loo roll
on the way home.

It's only the cheap shops
that are running out.

[Panel 4]
And anyway, I went to the cash
and carry a few months ago.

With the truck.

So I still have
a few hundred
rolls to spare…


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