[Panel 1]
You should have known they wouldn't let
you take home a souvenir from Capenhurst.
They have rules about people like you.
I was only after a LITTLE
bit of enriched uranium.
It's for the garden.
What are you raising, man-eating
mutant surstromming?
[Panel 2]
That's Swedes you're thinking
of. They'll eat ANYthing. No,
I'm growing bicycles.
OK, even for YOU that's weird.
See, every time I upgrade one of
the bikes, I have bits left over.
Just like Nils' computer pile.
[Panel 3]
So I put them in the garden
and see what comes up.
So far I've grown a new
derailleur cage and three dozen
useless little sprockets.
Your girlfriend knows
about this, does she?
Yes, she even waters the bits and
forks the soil while I'm away.
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