Archive 20081130

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That would be the Finnish for "Countess". See Wikipedia for much more information than you are ever likely to need.

[Panel 1]
You look a bit down, again.

I lost my temper.


I always feel bad
about doing that too.

I don't see why. Surely it
depends what you lost it about?

Not really. It's just bad manners.

[Panel 2]
What, even if you lost it with,
I don't know, Genghis Khan?

That wouldn't be bad manners,
that would be SUICIDE!

But if I lose my temper with
someone for being rude, I'm
being as bad as they are.

I still say it depends
what you lose it over.

Well, if someone were rude about
all negroes, that would be racism.
Or all Jews, that would be anti-semitic.
Or all women, that's sexism.

[Panel 3]
So why is it ok to be rude
about ALL aristocrats?

I dunno, Ginny. Envy, maybe?

I wouldn't mind so much if
the crots would even KNOW
a Lord if they met one!

Well, I wouldn't. For all
I know Nils is an Earl.


There's an easy way
to tell, Jaakko.

[Panel 4]
If someone tells you he's
an Earl, he's a jerk.

Even if it is in a fit of temper?

A proper Earl would
never mention it.

And a proper Earl would
never lose his temper!

Which is why I have to do it
for them. Which makes me cross.

It's OK, Ginny. We don't
think you are an Earl.


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