Archive 20090104

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[Panel 1]
Quick! Talk about something that
isn't child-rearing or cooking!


That's all my aunts could talk
about. For two weeks solid.

Well, I've just been building
a new fileserver for the house...

Or computers. That was
the bloke in the train all
the way to King's Cross.

[Panel 2]

Well, I spent New
Year's Eve nursing
an injured duck.
Very clammy, ducks.

And I learned how to build rib
and fan vaults. Handy if I ever
need to reconstruct a church.

Is that likely?

I hope not. They don't pay enough.

[Panel 3]
And Elizabeth has been teaching
the cheeses to play mah-jong.

Oh, that's
putting it a
bit strongly.

I only had to remind
them of the rules.

I wouldn't mind, but they're
beating me nine times out of ten.

[Panel 4]
Thanks, you two. That's
more like normal.

Oy, oo're you
calling normal?

Nils and Elizabeth,
bless them for it.

Oh, yeah, they are at right
angles to everything else.

Now I KNOW I've got home...

Let me behind that
bar, would you, Steve?

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