Beatrice |
Camille |
Elizabeth |
Nils |
[Panel 1]
Look, Nils, you know I
WOULD have gone home.
I know.
It's just that Ma isn't well either
and I didn't want to be a nuisance.
Don't start to be a bore about it.
Well, only in case I'm being
a nuisance to YOU instead.
You aren't.
[Panel 2]
Really? Promise?
Apologising all the time is ALMOST
the only nuisance you're being.
I SAID I wouldn't try to
do any more cooking until
I was completely better!
Well, the cat liked
it. Not to worry.
And Steve has given me instructions
for how to cook turkey, ok?
[Panel 3]
It's just...
No more scrabble. I can't cope.
There are NOT ENOUGH Qs to
play Scrabble in Latin.
Middle English?
[Panel 4]
What about mah-jong?
It's more fun with four,
though. Let's get Camille
and Beatrice to play.
[style 8way]
[textcolour red]
[style 8way]
Elizabeth, I think maybe
you still need your rest.
We'll play mah-jong after
you've had a little sleep, ok?
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