Archive 20100425

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[Panel 1]
Late shift tonight?

Yup. All the fun of
nothing happening.

Phone me when you head home, eh?
I have to go to Paris tomorrow.

And you don't trust the skies to be
clear so you're taking the train.

[Panel 2]
Turbine engines and ground glass
do not play well together.

The Finns put a few fighters
through the worst of it and
they all landed normally.

I've seen the photographs. They'll
have to drop in new engines before
they fly those bastards again.

[Panel 3]
Apparently there were lots of
people "stuck" in Spain and so
on. Waiting days and days for
the flights to start again.

We are in Europe. We have trains,
and roads, and things like that.

I can get from here to Stockholm
in two days without leaving
the ground. Why would I wait
a week for the plane?

[Panel 4]
Even so, you don't have to
get up THAT early, surely?

After last time I don't trust them
not to be having a strike again.

They will be demanding a
fair share of volcanic
ash for the railways too.

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