Archive 20100523

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[Panel 1]
Nils, all my login keys
have stopped working.
Could you finish off the
cluster seven update?

Jislaaik. I shouldn't
even be TALKING to you.

But I can still get into... Nils?

[Panel 2]
What's up?

I just said my keys had stopped
working and he went all strange.

Keys? Oh.

Oh, not you too!

Do you hear



[Panel 3]
Hold on a minute, she
can't have been fired.
Nobody's told Security.

Oh, that's all right
then. Sorry, Ginny.

Last time someone got fired,
everyone who talked to him
got a week off without pay.

[Panel 4]
Don't DO that! Anyway, they can't
sack me - only you can do that.

THEY can only sack
Ratel Consulting
that we all work for.

If they do that, we won't
be able to talk to ANYONE...

Even each other, I suppose.


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