Archive 20100620

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[Panel 1]

Can't be the latest from HR,
you haven't sat down yet.

Drain gratings.

OK, that's a new one to me.

[Panel 2]
They were missing. All along the
A2 as I was coming in to work.

Jislaaik! Though I see you
managed to avoid the holes.

Yes, though some of the
cars weren't so lucky.

But why would they take
them all out and not
put up cones and things?

[Panel 3]
I talked to a police. He said
somebody had stolen them.

That is ALSO a new one to me.

It has been happening
quite a lot, he said.

But... how... why?

[Panel 4]
Surely to God it can't be
worth it for the scrap value?


That would take a
bigger trebuchet than
anything we've built.

Of course, you realise,
this means war.

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