[Panel 1]
So about that plan to stop
the bosses throwing us out
and buying a Microsoft package...
No need. It's all
been cancelled.
Was the very nice lunch
not nice enough?
[Panel 2]
Don't tell me they noticed that
it wouldn't actually work?
No, "Stupid CEO Magazine" ran
an article about how great
rooftop beehives are, and they
got distracted because they've
already bought one of those.
[Panel 3]
Phew. What a bit of luck.
Yes. Luck. And you owe
me two hours of overtime
for writing that article
and getting it in.
Did the magazine not pay you?
[Panel 4]
A print magazine? Pay? Anyway, half
the articles in there are from
people who want to sell something.
I wonder why anybody reads it.
If they don't, they might not
know about the Latest Thing,
and the bigger CEOs would
laugh at them and not invite
them to their secret club.
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