Archive 20190505

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[Panel 1]
You said there was a problem
with the dog this morning?

It was all
fine until it
met the mouse.

Oh dear. Not
too much of a
mess, I hope.

Oh, it was horrible.

[Panel 2]
The dog spent five minutes
trying not to step on the thing.
Great big feet frantically
dancing about the place.

And the mouse just
sort of sat there
and laughed. I
think it may have
ruptured something.

So this is why you are
late for your shift?

[Panel 3]
I was possibly laughing a bit too.

Nothing like a dog
for fighting off
a fit of the glums.

He has his dignity.

[Panel 4]
I think he may have lost it under
the sofa. He was certainly
truffling out SOMETHING down there.

Pah. If you wanted
to see PROPER
truffling, you would
get a house-pig.

Yes, but I like my carpets
mostly without holes in them.

Then why do you put
up with the mice?

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