Archive 20080406

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[Panel 1]
Nils is a bit down at the moment.

Did someone try to
give him a cat?

Someone thought he was the
kind of guy who'd sympathise
with beating up women.

They did WHAT?


He's not very happy about it.

[Panel 2]
'Strewth, who would be?
Do you know who it was?

He won't say.

I've got a nasty feeling
I could make a guess.

You interest me strangely.

Well, I have wondered a bit... Most
wives don't turn up to office parties in
spacesuits, even when it's fancy dress...

[Panel 3]
You know, I've got a LOT of
friends in the Collective.

No, Ginny, don't tell her!

Caz, 'e ain't wurf it, and
anyway the Bill are on it.

You two aren't
usually spoil-sports...

I want him to be the one
with a record, not you!

[Panel 4]
I was planning we'd
all wear white sheets
and pointy hats.

Sounds like the
right idea. You
have a spare?

Hmmmmm. I can feel
a poem coming on.

On second thoughts, Caz, let
Elizabeth have first go at him.

You mean, first we let her
loose and destroy his mind...

... then you can kill him. Yes.

If I get it right, it'll be
crueller to make him live with it.

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