Archive 20090222

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[Panel 1]
My redundancy money's come through.

For what that's worth.

About two hundred pints.

I've been trying to be a bit more
productive... just rebuilt my parents'
village web site because the person
doing it had got bored and wouldn't
let anyone else fix the problems.

So that's why you wanted my flash
drive full of cracking tools.

[Panel 2]
Would I do a thing like that?

How about you, Nils?

No, I'm keeping my time free.
A little bird told me...

[style octagon]
[textcolour SteelBlue4]
queep queep queep

[Panel 3]
# (looking at phone)
Ah, here we are.

Seems the civil service admin team
need some help. And where does the
government turn when it needs help?

Aha. Consultants.

Expensive consultants.

[Panel 4]
You wound me. Is
there any other kind?

It would appear that
Ratel Consulting has
just got the contract.

Now, all I need is a
couple more employees...

Do I have time to buy a pint
with the Queen's Shilling?

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