Archive 20090329

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The Firedrake is startled to note that this is the closest he has ever come to being paid for the subject in which he took his degree.

[Panel 1]
My problem isn't that I'M crazy,
it's that everyone else seems to be.

That is what I have been
saying all evening...

Oh, shut up, Jaakko,
there's a dear.

I wanted to see if I could
get a serious answer.

[Panel 2]
Fire away, then.

The thing is

As far as I can see, a "toxic
asset" means "a debt that can't
be paid and probably never will
be and we don't know what it
might be worth anyway".

Close enough so far.

[Panel 3]
So why would anyone want to
buy them from the banks?

Good question. I
think the answer is

"Because you have a better
chance with one of those than
you have of winning the Lottery."

I was right. They are all crazy.

[Panel 4]
That was what I said...


I'm sticking to not doing
the Lottery, myself.

Since I started not playing in
a syndicate, I've got several
hundred quid ahead of Mandi...

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