Archive 20110313

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[Panel 1]
Morning Jaakko. What's up?

Car insurance rates.

At least you don't have to pay
road tax on that old beast.

I tried looking at a cheap company,
but they have all these exclusions.

[Panel 2]
I can't get their insurance if I work "
entertainment (except as a musician),
gambling, modelling, professional sports,
foreign and diplomatic services, scrap
trade and fast food delivery."

What, all of
them at once?

Do fireworks count as entertainment?
And why "except as a musician"?

[Panel 3]
A real musician probably can't
afford insurance anyway. Or a car.
So they might as well be generous.

When is gambling a job
rather than just a hobby?

When you start making money off it.

[Panel 4]
"...bailiffs, debt collectors,
bodyguards, doormen..."

Sounds like a list of unpopular people
who might get their cars done over,
fair enough. But where are the estate
agents and lawyers and bankers?

Not to mention
the sysadmins who
work for bankers.

Ssh, don't give them ideas or
I'll NEVER get Katje insured!

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