Archive 20180311

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[Panel 1]
Nils, we need to talk
about your code.

Not only will I deny there are any
bugs, I'll rewrite the commit
history to prove they weren't mine.

It's not the bugs exactly, it's
what people are doing with it.

[Panel 2]
Remember back in the day you
invented electric cowrie shells
so that our more, er, dedicated
users could keep playing when
the markets were closed?

Er, yes?

Some of them
bought cowrie
shells for
real money.

HOW? (I won't bother to ask why.)

[Panel 3]
From other users.

And it has got
caught up in the
cryptocurrency hype...

And now one cowrie shell is
supposedly worth a thousand quid,
but nobody's spending them because
they think the price is going up.

[Panel 4]
Oh, is THAT all?

Sell all our cowrie reserves.
That'll crash the price and
everyone will forget about them.
Then next week we turn them off and
bring out Cowrie Shells Gold.

And it can help top
up our beer kitty.

Except they'll probably want
to buy them with Bitcoin.

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