Elizabeth |
Mandi |
Nils |
Steve |
[Panel 1]
Evening, Steve.
Finished with that book?
Er, yeah...
What book is that?
[Panel 2]
Doesn't sound like
your sort of thing.
Lots of blood, innit?
And if you tell anyone
there'll be more. All right?
You could always wrap
it in a copy of the Sun...
I wouldn't wrap my CHIPS in that.
Not even on Sunday?
[Panel 3]
By the way, has Bell
been in tonight?
No, she's taking
another evening off.
Been doing that a lot
lately, hasn't she?
Hasn't been around the
house much either.
[Panel 4]
Maybe she's ill.
No, she's in LERRRRVE.
Isn't it SWEET?
Shot of bitters, Steve, I think
I can feel diabetes coming on.
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